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Liu Xin visited Zhejiang Fert Medical

Editor:澳门新葡澳京7906 │ Release Time:2023-09-13 


On the afternoon of August 3rd, Liu Xin, Deputy Director of the Standing Committee of the Zhejiang Provincial People's Congress and Chairman of the Provincial Federation of Trade Unions, accompanied by leaders Gao Linghui and Wang Maqing from Jiaxing Municipal Government, and leaders Yu Huiyou, Pan Chuandi, Xie Jun, Tu Jianzhong from Tongxiang Municipal Government, visited Zhejiang Fert Medical Equipment Co., Ltd. for inspection and research. Ma Jianqiang, Chairman of Zhefu Medical, warmly received.


Liu Xin and his delegation visited the company's exhibition hall and listened to Chairman Ma Jianqiang's detailed introduction on the company's production and operation situation, product research and development, product application fields, and advantages. They expressed appreciation for Zhejiang Fert Medical's long-term strategic focus on professional fields.


'How is the export situation of products this year? ''Are you satisfied with government services? 'After roughly understanding the company's basic situation, Liu Xin also asked about the current difficulties and problems that need to be solved in development, and what opinions and suggestions do the enterprise development have for optimizing the business environment in Tongxiang.

Regarding the opinions and suggestions put forward by enterprises, Liu Xin requests government departments to further optimize government services, focus on strengthening factor guarantees, assist enterprises in reducing costs and increasing efficiency, focus on moving forward, make enterprise financing costs lower, production costs lower, and comprehensive benefits higher, and contribute more efforts to the high-quality development of Tongxiang and the province's economy.

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